Surprising Scene from Kim Soo Ro

In the Korean drama, Kim Soo Ro (or Kim Soo Lo), the scene of SoonJang (Burial of the living with the dead) was reproduced. It was the custom of Gaya. SoonJang was a custom that buries the live servant of the dead together to make the dead more comfortable.
It is not certain whether servants were supposed to be buried alive or buried after killing them because there is not much record of Gaya.

The Kim Soo Ro crew set up this case that when a noble man dies the servants were killed and then buried with noble man. And also the number of servants buried with a noble man is showed the wealth of the dead. In the drama, the men kill the servant with a hammer after the servants drink the black liquid.

“It is a very brutal scene but it focused on the victim’s pain from an illogical system and shows the viewers how Kim Soo Ro’s momentum grew in humanity,” said Choi Jong Soo, PD of Kim Soo Ro.

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